Our councils
Adelaide PHN is committed to honest and genuine community-wide involvement. Our councils are made up of a Clinical Council, a Community Advisory Council, and an Aboriginal Community Advisory Council, each providing advice and recommendations that help inform planning and design of services, stakeholder engagement, and continuing development and refinement of our Needs Assessment.
Clinical Council
The role of the Clinical Councils is to provide the Board of the Primary Health Network with locally relevant perspectives on clinical issues that impact on the unique needs of our local communities. Clinical Councils are GP-led and include members from other primary health care professions who assist us to develop local strategies to improve the operation of the health care system for patients.
Membership of the Council includes participants from a cross-section of primary health and represents a variety of practice settings, experiences, expertise and disciplines
The Adelaide Primary Health Network (PHN) Clinical Council provides the Board with contemporary advice on local health needs and priorities ensuring that there is an appropriate evidence base to local commissioning, specifically, planning and design of services, stakeholder engagement, and continuing development and refinement of the Needs Assessment (NA).
The Clinical Council provides a critical overview of the Adelaide region to ensure that overall investment is in line with the regional NA.
Our Clinical Council Members come from a range of professional backgrounds, including general practitioners, practice managers, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, dietitians and representatives from the Local Health Networks (LHN). The Clinical Council provide valuable insight into the efficiency and feasibility of various service delivery models, and assists Adelaide PHN to build linkages between services.
- Dr Stephanie Daly (Chair)
- Dr Michaela Baulderstone
- Ms Julia Trescowthick
- Dr Jeffrey Fuller
- Ms Cathy Loughry
- Mr Christian Burden
- Ms Klade Thomas
- Ms Meg Gulbin
- Ms Vicki Linden
- Ms Anastasia Bougesis
- Mrs Kristen Foley
- Mr Tien Pham
- Ms Sandra Parr (NALHN representative)
- Ms Lisa Bartholomaeus (CALHN representative)
Community Advisory Council
Our Community Advisory Council and Aboriginal Community Advisory Council provide our Board with locally relevant perspectives on community health issues.
The Community Advisory Council and Aboriginal Community Advisory Council are made up of members with active community networks who are able to provide the advice, feedback, community perspective and context which helps to shape our funding of programs and services.
Our Community Advisory Council Members have good knowledge of the health priorities in their communities and support Adelaide PHN in understanding local needs, issues, and opportunities across the region. This may come from their personal experience as a patient or carer, from employment (including health consumer advocacy, population health, or community services), or by hosting Kitchen Table Discussions within their own communities. Aboriginal Community Advisory Council Members are representatives of the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community who provide advice to Adelaide PHN in relation to our unique health needs including primary care access, addressing service gaps, and supporting our reconciliation journey.
The aim of the Group is to enable health system improvement and reform in local regions and for identified community groups. They ensure that community ideas drive improvements in person-centred care to deliver better health outcomes that are locally-relevant and aligned to local care experiences and expectations.
As champions of change, members maximise and leverage their own community networks to improve health outcomes through coordinated care.
The Group plays a key role in helping to guide Adelaide PHN in ensuring activities are connected to and supported by the communities it serves.
- Mr Paolo Cardelli (Chair)
- Ms Etty Garabelli
- Ms Joanna Stolz
- Ms Lydia Lam
- Mr Scott Walker
- Ms Nicole Tersic
- Mr Blake Lawrenson
- Ms Rachel Rodda
- Ms Alexandra Emmerich
- Mr Lee Nettelbeck
- Dr Julie- Anne Popple
Aboriginal Community Advisory Council
Aboriginal Community Advisory Council Members are representatives of the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community who provide advice to Adelaide PHN in relation to our unique health needs including primary care access, addressing service gaps, and supporting our reconciliation journey.
As champions of change, members maximise and leverage their own community networks to improve health outcomes through coordinated care.
The Group plays a key role in helping to guide Adelaide PHN in ensuring activities are connected to and supported by the communities it serves.
- Mr Barunah Alick
- Mr Isaiah Rigney
We also engage widely with the following services, Aboriginal community controlled organisations:
- Kura Yerlo
- Tauondi College
- Marni Waiendi
- Neporendi
- Incompro
- NALHN Aboriginal Community Reference Group
Adelaide GP Council
The Adelaide GP Council provides Adelaide PHN with insights into GP perspectives relevant to the needs of local communities in the Adelaide metropolitan area. The AGPC provides intelligence on local primary health care issues, trends and activities and assists in identifying opportunities to improve the safety, quality, equity, efficiency and effectiveness of health care services.
Membership of the GP Council comprises of GPs across all three metro Local Health Networks in the Adelaide PHN region. The aim of the Adelaide GP Council is to:
- Provide a forum where GP perspective of primary health care in the Adelaide PHN community can be discussed with an emphasis on how to improve patient health care outcomes.
- Provide GP input, feedback, and linkage into and across other health care organisations (National, State, Local Government and Non-Government).
- Ensure Adelaide PHN GP representation on various panels and committees is coordinated and represents a consensus view.
- Dr Rizwan Latif (Chair)
- Dr Md Moniruzzaman
- Dr Jaiveer Krishnan
- Dr Radhika Dara
- Dr Helen Parry
- Dr Kin Khey Lau
- Dr Elizabeth Harvey
- Dr Jasmine MacIntyre
- Dr Kathi Nyberg
- Dr Sean Black-Tiong
- Dr Penny Need
- Dr Aishah Khairudin
- Dr Emily Gibson (GP Integration Officer- NALHN)
- Dr Mai Duong (GP Integration Officer- SALHN)
- Dr Jackie Yeoh (GP Integration Officer- CALHN)
- Dr Chad Collins (GP Liaison Officer- Adelaide PHN)