Dr Melanie Smith She/Her

Deputy Chair of Board, Chair of Commissioning Oversight Committee, Member of Board Selection Committee.

Dr Melanie Smith

Dr Melanie Smith is an associate contractor GP at Chandlers Hill Surgery with interests in palliative care, paediatrics, mental health, diagnostic reasoning and evidence-based practice. She is also the Deputy Chair of the SA/NT Faculty for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).

Dr Melanie Smith is an associate contractor GP at Chandlers Hill Surgery, Co-Clinical Lead, SA Virtual Care Service and Deputy Chair of the SA Faculty of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).  

Melanie is a member of the South Australian Health Performance Council, Australian Institute of Digital Health SA Branch Committee and the CEIH Urgent and Emergent Care Clinical Network.

As a former software engineer who transitioned into medicine, Melanie is passionate about general practice-led primary health care as well as incorporating digital innovation and data analytics to keep the patient at the centre of health system improvement strategy.