Prof. Michelle McKay 

Chief Executive Officer

Prof. Michelle McKay

With a clinical background in emergency nursing for over 20 years, Michelle has held a range of executive roles in the health sector in Australia and in the UK in public, not-for-profit, and faith-based sectors, and in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service.

This includes leading a district of 17 geographically dispersed hospitals across South West Queensland, Executive Director of Performance and Planning for Adelaide Health Service, five years executive experience in aged, community and disability services leading services across regional Queensland and the Northern Territory, including the largest service for First Nation’s people in Australia, the CEO of an Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in England, and leading Top End Health Services in the Northern Territory, responsible for all public health services for approximately 80% of the Territory’s population, over 25% of whom are Aboriginal people. Michelle is currently the CEO of the Adelaide PHN and a Board Director of Apollo Care and Disability Living.