Partnering together
By bringing together networks with different skills and expertise, we strengthen organisations that support the community and help them to deliver better health outcomes.
Working in partnership
Working in partnership means we can accomplish more for the communities we serve.
To this end, we partner with all tiers of government, health providers, Not for Profit organisations, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHO), Universities and Educational Institutions and Peak Bodies for projects with specific outcomes, tapping into common resources, connections and experiences to achieve mutual goals.
By bringing together networks with different skills and expertise, we strengthen organisations that support the community and help them be their best.
We also partner with organisations directly to help them build their capacity, including through localised learning to upskill staff; assistance with volunteer recruitment, recognition and training; and opportunities to support people and the wider community.
Partnering with consumers
We partner with consumers in the co-design and evaluation of services and in an advisory capacity. While our approach to working with consumers aligns with this Partnering Framework it is not covered here.
Partnering with other organisations
When we work on projects, activities or complex issues with either the business, government, education or community sectors.
Partnering with our commissioned service providers (CSP)
We partner with various community service-based organisations to ensure we deliver on our vision and to ensure the beneficiary receives services that improve health outcomes. The process of partnering with commissioned service providers (CSPs) is separate and independent from Adelaide PHN’s commissioning process.
NB: Establishing a partnering arrangement with a CSP (or potential CSP) does not guarantee their selection or continuation as a CSP and will not influence any decision made in accordance with Adelaide PHN's Commissioning Framework.
Partnering with Suppliers
We partner with various companies, including but not limited to resources, systems and technology suppliers. The process of partnering with suppliers is separate and independent from Adelaide PHN’s procurement process.
NB: Establishing a partnering arrangement with a supplier (or potential supplier) does not guarantee their selection or continuation as a preferred supplier nor will it influence any decision made in accordance with Procurement Policy or Procedure.
Collaboration Agreements
Annual Reports
Our partnering framework
Adelaide PHN's Partnering Framework has been developed to assist in developing a shared understanding of why we partner, what we mean by partnering and how we at Adelaide PHN approach partnering with others.
This framework sets out the connection between partnering and the overall strategic direction of Adelaide PHN and proposes a vision for partnering within our organisation.
There were several key significant drivers to the development of this Framework, most importantly the use of a common language and collective agreement on what partnering means to Adelaide PHN.
The CEO, Executive and Board have been supportive of this initiative and as a result Partnerships are viewed as critical to the successful achievement of our Strategic Plan. Adelaide PHN recognises the contribution partnering makes as we seek to integrate health services at the local level.
Our vision for partnering is that:
- We have a clear and shared understanding of what partnering means to us and to our
- We know our value proposition for partnering and ensure that our partners receive value from partnering with us.
- Our partnering is fully integrated and strategically aligned across the organisation
- We embrace partnering at every level of the organisation.
2024 Adelaide PHN Partnering Framework
Our partners
Whether working to assess need, or to commission and integrate local health services and activities, partnership is at the heart of Adelaide PHN.
We work with a broad range of partners including non-government organisations, state government departments such as SA Health, local councils, and Local Health Networks.
Towards Wellness Plan
The Towards Wellness: Adelaide Metropolitan Integrated Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (Towards Wellness) formalises the commitment of key local service providers to work together towards system improvement and ensure people who experience mental health challenges or are at risk of suicide across the metropolitan region can access the right support, at the right time and in the right place.
The development and delivery of this plan is led by Adelaide PHN, Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN), Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN), Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN), the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN), Wellbeing SA and the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist SA and stakeholders.
Towards Wellness is underpinned by the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan, and was informed by a local needs assessment and consultations with the Adelaide community including mental health care providers, people with a lived experience of mental health challenges and their carers.
The collaborating partners look forward to keeping the Adelaide community updated on the progress of Towards Wellness plan over the five year implementation period (2020-2025).