Smiling portrait of a woman outside

Free supports for older people to navigate aged care

Smiling portrait of a woman outside

About this resource

Most people who need aged care can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 244 or visit to discuss their needs. 

Face-to-face help is also available in Services Australia centres, with local SA based Aged Care Specialist officers. Visit Services Australia website to find out more or call 1800 227 475.  

Where an older person has not been able to arrange aged care services themselves and do not have family members or friends who can help, care finder services can support. Through this service, specialist care finders provide intensive one to one support to assist people navigate and access aged care services. 

How do care finder services work?

Care finder services will connect the older person with a local SA based care finder for intensive support. The care finder will meet with the older person, often at their home or another place they choose. The care finder will ask questions to understand the person’s situation and support them to work through the steps to assist navigating and accessing aged care. 

Who delivers care finder services in metro Adelaide? 

Links & resources