Smiling portrait of a woman outside

LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Palliative Care Elearning

Smiling portrait of a woman outside

About this resource

This FREE eLearning aims to increase healthcare providers’ confidence in providing LGBTIQ+ inclusive palliative care including:

  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) communities and their specific healthcare needs
  • End-of-life concerns and barriers to palliative care for LGBTIQ+ people
  • How to have inclusive end-of-life conversations
  • Strategies to support loved ones
  • How to create welcoming and inclusive environments

The eLearning topics are explored across four 1-hour modules:

Module 1: Introduction to LGBTIQ+ communities

Module 2: Barriers to providing and receiving palliative care

Module 3: Enablers for LGBTIQ+ people in palliative care

Module 4: Having end-of-life planning conversations