image of Adelaide city at night

Adelaide PHN News - March Edition 2024

image of Adelaide city at night
Closing the gap day 2024 image

Closing the Gap Day 2024 – Sonder event

Adelaide PHN had the pleasure of sponsoring Sonder’s 2024 Closing the Gap Day Event at the Adelaide Showgrounds. The event aims to unite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through various cultural activities and educational opportunities, engaging live performances and...

Diverse group of people standing and smiling at the camera in a work environment

Adelaide PHN’s Partnering Framework

We've developed a partnering framework to assist staff to gain a shared understanding of why we partner, what we mean by partnering and how we approach partnering with others at Adelaide PHN.This framework also sets out the connection between partnering...

a group of people standing looking at the camera and smiling

Refugee Health in General Practice

Adelaide PHN, in collaboration with STTARS (Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service) and General Practices in Northern Adelaide have initiated a project aimed at providing safe and culturally appropriate health to refugee community members. Adelaide PHN was...

Mens table adelaide phn news

The Men’s Table: successful mental health initiative, expanding across Adelaide.

Adelaide PHN is pleased to announce that we have commissioned The Men’s Table to establish Tables across Adelaide till June 2025. The Men's Table is a peer support community group made up of a group of men who have dinner...

a group of people standing and listening to a women talking

Harmony Week at Adelaide PHN

Adelaide PHN will continue to work, achieve and celebrate together, to acknowledge the myriad of cultures present in our workplace. To celebrate Harmony Week the Multicultural Working Group organised a cultural quiz that allowed staff to test their knowledge on...