Adelaide PHN News - June Edition 2024

Adelaide PHN Embraces meaningful Kaurna connection with Cultural Heritage in Reconciliation Journey
Adelaide PHN used Reconciliation Week to extend its commitment to reconciliation by honouring the local Kaurna people, the Traditional Custodians of the Adelaide Plains by naming our office meeting rooms with appropriate Kaurna names.The project emerged from extensive consultations with...

Adelaide PHN’s 2024 – 2026 AOD Framework
Adelaide PHN has unveiled its Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Treatment and Quality Framework for 2024-2026. This framework is designed to steer AOD treatment services in the region, emphasising health equity, partnerships, and data-driven solutions. It outlines strategies for reducing...

World Refugee Day/Week Lunchbox Session
World Refugee Day (Thursday 20 June) coincides with Refugee Week, an Australian-led initiative providing opportunity to acknowledge, share and learn about refugee experiences.This year’s Refugee Week theme “Finding Freedom” – focuses on family and highlights the resilience, strength, and unity...

Northern Adelaide Medicare Mental Health Centre open for service
On Thursday 20 June 2024, the Northern Adelaide Head to Health Centre, soon to be known as the Medicare Mental Health Centre was officially opened by Federal Health Minister Mark Butler and State Health Minister Chris Picton.The Centre which is...

headspace forum
Adelaide PHN supported 40 staff members from headspace Centres across Adelaide led by Centacare and Sonder, alongside the Early Psychosis Program led by Sonder, for participation in the 'One headspace, many communities' headspace Forum in Brisbane. More than 1,100 participants...