2020 Primary Health Care Award Winners Announced

Adelaide PHN is excited to announce the winners of our 2020 Primary Health Care Awards. 

This year, our awards spanned three categories that focused on providers and practices who went above and beyond to support their communities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Categories and winners are listed below:

  • Outstanding innovation in continued service delivery during COVID-19
    Winner: Morphett Vale Family Practice - for ensuring continuity of access to care for patients during the pandemic, including multi-tiered triage systems and development of a drive through testing service. 

    Runner up: Developing Minds Psychology - for their timely response and implementation of changes to practice to continue supporting their community in a safe and efficient way.
  • Outstanding achievement in ensuring high levels of access and equity during COVID-19
    Winner: Australian Refugee Association - for supporting CALD communities during the pandemic, including significant adjustments to Adelaide PHN's funded Adelaide Refugee and New Arrivals Program (ARANAP). 

    Runner up: Arkaba Medical - for undertaking two major initiatives during the pandemic - ensuring the continuation of medical services through an establishment of the Adelaide central Respiratory Clinic, and maximising the safety of the clinic's patients and staff through restructuring teams and work environments. 

    Runner up: Adelaide Disability Medical Services - for comprehensive annual health assessments for people living with an intellectual disability to help identify any current physical, psychological or social needs that need to be addressed in the broader context or a person's disability.
  • Outstanding achievement in health promotion and early intervention services during COVID-19
    Winner: PsychMed - for responding promptly to address the unique effects of the pandemic. Strategies included creating resources and early intervention services, and dissemination of information across social and traditional media. 

    Runner up: Belair Medical - for easy and safe access to flu vaccinations for at risk communities and implementing a drive through flu clinic to encourage at risk patients to safely and quickly access their flu vaccinations. 

The 2020 winners and runners up have each received professional development scholarships up to the value $4000 and $2000 respectively, to continue to build team and service capacity. 

27 November 2020