National Conversation at the 2024 Reconciliation Action Plan Conference

Members of Adelaide PHN’s Reconciliation Working Group recently attended the National RAP Conference 2024 held in Brisbane. The two-day conference brought together organisations with Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) from all around Australia.
The event provided attendees the opportunity to listen to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices and be challenged to consider how we can continue to support self-determination in the places we work, learn and live.
Adelaide PHN is committed to meaningfully engaging and co-designing primary care services with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, Community Advisory Council members and the broader community. We provide opportunities to bring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives – ways of being, knowing and doing – to ensure the primary health care services we commission are culturally responsive and safe. In this way, we can create and innovate through culture.
Adelaide PHN’s Cultural Capability Framework reinforces our commitment to creating opportunities to influence the cultural capability for our staff, general practices and commissioned service providers.
In practice, this means we work alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members, community leaders and organisations in genuine, culturally respectful partnerships. Together, we strive to develop resources that build the capacity of all Primary Health Care professionals and organisations who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, children and families.
Links & resources
28 November 2024