5th Health for All Film Festival
A shortlist of 61 films has been selected for the 5th Health for All Film Festival out of 940 entries received by the World Health Organization.
The public is encouraged to choose one of the films they would like to champion and comment about its story/topic, before the end of May 2024. Comments can be posted on their social media using #Film4Health or through the posts inserted in those YouTube playlists. Some comments from the public will be featured during the HAFF virtual Awards Ceremony at the end of May.
The End-of-Life Essentials project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and delivered by Flinders University has their video 'The Patient's Perspective' as part of the 5th Health for All Film Festival. Click here to view their video.
The aim of the film is to show the difference health professionals can make by showing kindness and compassion, even in the absence of a cure.
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07 May 2024