Adelaide After Hours Website Closure
Adelaide PHN wishes to advise the closure of our Adelaide After Hours website, effective from 10 July 2023.
Since its establishment in 2017, Adelaide After Hours has been a unique resource, offering local South Australian community with access to location-based after-hours medical services, including GPs, pharmacies, and dentists.
When it was first launched, Adelaide After Hours was first of its kind and supported thousands of South Australians in accessing timely after-hour medical services in 16 different languages, including Greek, Italian, Vietnamese, Arabic and Swahili.
Fast forward to 2023, websites like HotDocs and Health Engine are providing the same information with advanced features to help community find and access timely health care in the click of a button. As such, Adelaide PHN has decided to cease its Adelaide After Hours website.
For anyone looking to find a range of health services available in the after-hours period, please visit HotDocs and Health Engine websites.
Adelaide PHN still actively works in the after-hours space to help local community to access timely health services and will continue to identify needs and develop activities for this period.
Should you have any queries regarding this closure, please contact our team via or phone 8219 5900.
22 June 2023