Group photo of Adelaide PHN staff who completed Rebbeck's Commissioning Excellence Foundations Training

Adelaide PHN Staff Complete Rebbeck’s Commissioning Excellence Foundations Training

Group photo of Adelaide PHN staff who completed Rebbeck's Commissioning Excellence Foundations Training

Adelaide PHN staff participated in a 2 day Commissioning Excellence Foundations (CEF) training, delivered by Rebbeck. The comprehensive program was delivered by Rebbeck CEO Jay Rebbeck and Senior Manager Sam McLean.

During the two-day training, Adelaide PHN staff engaged in a variety of activities and discussions aimed at deepening their understanding of our commissioning cycle. They also gained valuable tips and tricks to equip themselves with practical tools and techniques for carrying out commissioning work effectively. These sessions provided an opportunity for staff to enhance their skills and knowledge, when engaging with service providers to meet the needs of our Adelaide metropolitan region. 

The training also facilitated in-depth conversations about the crucial roles all teams play in the work we do at Adelaide PHN. By leveraging each team’s unique skills and resources, we can build stronger relationships and connections with our stakeholders, councils, and consumers. This collaborative approach is essential for delivering high-quality, equitable healthcare services and achieving our vision of a healthier Adelaide. 

Additionally, staff enrolled in the training had the privilege of hearing from fellow Adelaide PHN staff, including Contracts and Capacity Building Coordinators Nathaniel Motlap, Deepak Dev, William Logue, and Alex Stevens. They shared insights on cultural safety and techniques to integrate cultural safety into our commissioning work. These sessions highlighted the importance of inclusivity and respect in all aspects of Adelaide PHN. 

Since 2022, Adelaide PHN has been committed to commissioning excellence, and we are proud to have Rebbeck join us on this journey. This training marks another step forward in our ongoing efforts to enhance the primary healthcare system and better serve our community. 

31 July 2024