Adelaide PHN's CRU and Mental Health Enquiry Line Amalgamates with the Head to Health Phone Service

Please be advised that as of 1 July 2023, Adelaide PHN’s Central Referral Unit (CRU) and Mental Health Enquiry Line will cease operation in its current format and be amalgamated with the Head to Health Phone Service. 

Early in May, Adelaide PHN announced Neami National as the preferred provider to deliver the Head to Health Phone Service. Following successful contract negotiations, Neami is expected to commence delivery of the Head to Health Phone Service from 1 July 2023 and will initially operate from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

From 1 July 2023, all mental health referrals and enquiries will now be made via the Head to Health Phone Service using the details below - 


  • Head to Health Phone Service - 1800 595 212 


  • Secure messaging via HealthLink 
    • HealthLink | EDI: adphncru

Note - HealthLink has been designated as the preferred secure messaging platform. As a result, starting from Friday 15 September referrals will no longer be accepted via the CRU’s ReferralNet/Argus service ID. We kindly request that all GPs take immediate action to update their secure messaging details to HealthLink in their clinical software accordingly. This will ensure that you can continue to communicate securely and effectively with Head to Health Phone Service. 

The new Head to Health Phone Service (1800 595 212) aims to provide a welcoming and accessible entry point for people experiencing mental health and AOD concerns and their families and carers through a “no wrong door” approach, promotes consistent assessment and enables warm transfer and referral to the most appropriate services.

It is intended to provide initial assessment where required and service navigation to connect people to the right mental health services to meet their identified needs.  

The service provides an initial assessment of needs provided by a trained professional using the Commonwealth’s Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool. 

Should you require any technical support or have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Digital Health team at

23 June 2023