Deferment of the Recommissioning of Primary Mental Health Care Services

In September 2021, Adelaide PHN communicated the recommissioning of primary mental health care services (PMHCS) in our region from July 2022 to June 2025.
Adelaide PHN now wishes to advise you of our decision to defer the commencement date to 1 July 2023, which will in turn delay the approach to market. 
The 1 July 2023 commencement date will allow adequate time for;

  • Consideration of potential future complementary mental health initiatives that may be established by other public or private organisations
  • Interested potential applicants to consider their approach and involvement in the recommissioning of these services 
  • Potential consortium and partnerships to be explored between interested applicants
  • Inclusion of greenfield site locations to be established prior to the commencement date

It is also hoped that the deferment may reduce or eliminate many of the current uncertainties and demands resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. 
In the short term, Adelaide PHN will be in contact with current service providers to facilitate continuity of PMHCS where possible under existing agreements. 
Further correspondence will be provided in the future regarding the recommissioning of PMHCS and we look forward to the opportunity to discuss these future requirements with you.
Please contact your Adelaide PHN capacity building coordinator should you have any queries. 

10 February 2022