Eleven organisations commissioned to provide intensive care support for vulnerable elderly in Adelaide PHN region
Eleven organisations will provide Care Finder Program in Adelaide Primary Health Network (Adelaide PHN) region until 30 June 2025.
The outcome of our recent Request for Proposal process resulted in four organisations being awarded contracts to deliver the Care Finder Program. A further seven organisations have transitioned from the Assistance with Care and Housing (ACH) program to the Care Finder Program.
The new organisations providing the Care Finder Program are;
• Council of the Ageing South Australia Inc (COTA SA)
• Seniors Information Service
• UnitingCare Wesley Bowden Incorporated (UCWB), and
• Aged Rights Advocacy Service (S.A.) Inc (ARAS).
The organisations transitioning to the Care Finder Program are;
• City of Onkaparinga,
• Hutt Street Centre,
• Resthaven Inc,
• Anglicare SA,
• City of Salisbury,
• Community Transitions and
• Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons Inc.
The Care Finder Program supports vulnerable older Australians who require intensive assistance to access aged care and other supports. The program was developed in response to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety report.
The program supports a workforce of care finders to provide one to one support to assist people navigate and access aged care. The program complements the My Aged Care channels, providing greater access and support to people who experience problems navigating the My Aged Care system.
To qualify for care finder support, a person will:
• be eligible for government-funded aged care
• have no carer or support person to assist them,
• not have a carer or support person they feel supports their needs
In addition, the person must identify with one or more of the following:
• experience difficulty communicating due to language or literacy issues
• find it difficult to understand information
• be reluctant to engage with aged care or government
• be in an unsafe situation if they do not receive services.
To learn more about the program, please click here. Need to connect someone to a care finder? For additional information on organisations offering the care finder service near you, please click on My Aged Care page.
15 February 2023