Endometriosis Australia and Deakin University logo

General Practitioners - Let’s Talk About Sex & Endometriosis!

Endometriosis Australia and Deakin University logo

Do you struggle to talk with your patients about sex? We know that this can be challenging for both doctors and people living with endometriosis, so we created a website to help make the conversation easier.

If you are: 

  • An Australian resident; and 
  • A Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 

We would love to hear your feedback!

And go into the draw to receive one of ten $100 vouchers.

What is being investigated?
You are invited to participate in our study evaluating a new website that has been designed to improve communication between people with endometriosis and general practitioners (GPs) about the impact of the condition on sexual functioning and wellbeing. We are seeking GPs to participate in this study. You are welcome to share the study advertisement or contact details (see Queries below) with any other GPs you believe may be interested in participating in this research.

If you have any questions about the study, please email t.lores@deakin.edu.au 

You are welcome to share this advertisement with any person you believe may be interested in participating in this research.

This study has received Deakin University ethics approval (reference number: 2024-236 (x.ref HEAG-H 20_2024)) and is supported by grant funding from Endometriosis Australia. 

Links & resources

31 July 2024