Graduate Diploma in Child Health

Since 2023, we've had over 1,000 health professionals across the country enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Child Health (GDCH). Our diverse student body includes Junior Medical Officers, Emergency Trainees, GP Registrars, General Practitioners, Paediatric Nurses and Allied Health Professionals.
We are proud of the overwhelmingly positive feedback from our 2023-24 Program Evaluation survey:
- 94% of our graduates agreed that the program significantly improved their skills in paediatrics.
- 100% of our graduates agreed that the content is highly relevant to their practice.
- 100% responded they would recommend the course to other health professionals.
I have included some information below regarding the next round of intakes for the Graduate Diploma in Child Health, for those interested in building a career towards paediatrics or general practice.
Graduate Diploma in Child Health
Information session
Join our upcoming GDCH Information Webinar on Wednesday, 14 August at 7:30pm AEST to learn more about the program, assessments and application process. Register now!
Program fee
I'm pleased to confirm that the 2024 GDCH program fee remains at $6,000 AUD (FEE-HELP available for eligible students). Fees are charged per subject and no upfront payment is required until Census date.
Key dates - Quarter 4 (September 2024 intake)
14 Aug
| GDCH Information Webinar - register here |
25 Aug | Applications close for September 2024 intake |
16 Sep | Quarter 3 session commences |
5 Oct | Census date (the last day to drop subjects, or withdraw without incurring financial penalties) |
| Newborn and Infant Development |
MEDI5002 | Behaviour, Development and Disability |
MEDI5003 | Adolescent, Mental Health and Health Inequity |
MEDI5004 | Emergency and Acute Care |
Students can exit early with a Graduate Certificate in Child Health after completing the above four subjects, which will satisfy the RACGP's mandatory paediatric term requirement (provided that they have also had adequate clinical exposure to children).
| Cardiorespiratory, ENT and Allergy |
MEDI6002 | Gastroenterology and other specialties |
MEDI6003 | Infectious Disease and Autoimmune Conditions |
MEDI6004 | Neurology, Musculoskeletal, and Surgical Problems |
Content delivery
The program consists of 8 subjects and over 150 hours of teaching, delivered entirely online. Students will have access to optional weekly tutorials, live webinars and the Western Sydney University online library. The course content is designed to be engaging, and clinically relevant to general practice. Assessments will include online MCQ quizzes, video communication tasks, written reflections, and two applied projects. The program can be completed in 12 or 24 months as required.
For more information, students can register their interest or write to our team at service@schp.org.au or call 02 9933 8600.
Links & resources
14 August 2024