Head to Health Phone Service Preferred Provider Announcement

Adelaide PHN is pleased to announce Neami National as the preferred provider to deliver the Head to Health Phone Assessment and Referral Phone Service for the period of July 2023 to June 2026, subject to successful contract negotiations.

The Head to Health Phone Service (1800 595 212) aims to provide a welcoming and accessible entry point for people experiencing mental health and alcohol and other drug concerns and supports their families and carers through a ‘no wrong door’ approach. The service promotes consistent assessment and enables warm transfer and referral to the appropriate services. 

The service provides a holistic assessment of needs by a trained professional using the Commonwealth’s Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool and connects people to the right mental health service to meet their needs as identified.  

Neami National is expected to commence delivery of the Head to Health Phone Service and initially operate from 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 1 July 2023 pending successful contract negotiations. 

Any queries relating to the new service, or this commissioning process can be directed to Adelaide PHN’s Head to Health Project Manager, Carolyn McKay, via CMcKay@adelaidephn.com.au or 8219 5900.

Adelaide PHN would like to thank all applicants who applied for the Head to Health Phone Service tender. 

Further details will be released in the coming weeks. 

18 May 2023