2024 headspace Forum

headspace forum

2024 headspace Forum

Adelaide PHN supported 40 staff members from headspace Centres across Adelaide led by Centacare and Sonder, alongside the Early Psychosis Program led by Sonder, for participation in the 'One headspace, many communities' headspace Forum in Brisbane.  

More than 1,100 participants from headspace Centres, Early Psychosis Programs, and Primary Health Networks nationwide gathered for a dynamic event focused on fostering connections, sharing knowledge, and enhancing collaborations within the mental health community across Australia. 

Organised by headspace National and supported by Orygen, the forum proved to be a pivotal event for attendees including our Adelaide based services and staff. The forum spanned over three days and featured a diverse array of workshops, plenary sessions and breakout discussions tailored to different roles within the headspace, Early Psychosis and PHN networks.  

Attendees had the opportunity to hear from expert keynote speakers Dr. Judy Tang and Dr. Steve Mathias, who captivated the room with insightful presentations on topics ranging from power dynamics and intersectionality to community – based health and social services for young people. The forum also included engaging panels moderated by industry leaders like Daniel Knapp and discussions led by youth representatives exploring life in regional and remote Australia.  

Overall, the forum showcased a shared commitment to advancing youth mental health and wellbeing. Adelaide PHN is thankful to headspace for providing the team the opportunity to attend and host staff from Centracare and Sonder, for an informative and engaging forum.  

Congratulations to headspace Adelaide who won the nationally peer voted Creative Workforce Solution Award for their work within the Peer Workforce space.  

02 July 2024