Introducing Adelaide PHN's Reach and Refer Program

Adelaide PHN has partnered with Mission Australia to deliver the Reach and Refer program. The program aims to -

  • Support general practice to routinely screen for alcohol consumption and intervene when patients (aged over 50 years) need support to address risky of harmful patterns of alcohol consumption
  • Enhance integrated care through the development of referral pathways between general practice and the AOD sector
  • Reduce morbidities and mortalities associated with risky and harmful levels of alcohol consumption

The program is expected to be delivered over a two-year period and is only available in select general practices across Adelaide. 

Adelaide PHN looks forward to providing updates as the program progresses. 

For any further information about Reach and Refer, please contact Allan Trifonoff, Adelaide PHN’s AOD/Psychosocial Lead on 8219 5900, or visit our directory listing. 

19 September 2022