Introducing The Way Back Support Service

We’re pleased to announce that The Way Back Support Service is now operating in Adelaide.  

The Way Back Support Service has been developed by Beyond Blue and is co-funded by the Commonwealth Government and SA Health through Adelaide PHN and the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist. The service provides non-clinical care and practical support for up to three months following a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis. This important service will be delivered by AnglicareSA, which already provides significant specialist support to people across SA via its Living Beyond Suicide program and suicide prevention services.

The Way Back Support Service will provide personalised support to individuals in the central region of Adelaide who have presented to the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) or the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH). Support coordinators will assist those referred to the service to stay safe and well, by: 

  • Supporting discharge from hospital 
  • Creating an individualised safety plan 
  • Providing connections to financial counselling and/or community-based support services  

The service accepts referrals from the RAH and TQEH Emergency Departments, with support coordinators providing an outreach service to an individual’s home or preferred place of contact.  

“The funding to Anglicare and Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) will enable us to work collaboratively and provide better continuity of care to some 700 people a year that present with suicidal behaviour or assessed as at high risk,” Executive Director Mental Health, John Mendoza, said.

The Way Back Support Service operates between 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday and is located at the Hindmarsh AnglicareSA site (159 Port Road, Hindmarsh). You can access the service by contacting 1300 077 798. 

The Way Back Support Service Adelaide is part of a roll out nationally, with 33 sites planned across the nation. The implementation of this service forms part of the Adelaide Metropolitan Integrated Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan: Towards Wellness. The plan is the Adelaide PHN’s and metropolitan Local Health Networks' (LHN) commitment to integration and collaboration in the way mental health services are planned and delivered across our region. 

This service is part of a suite of Adelaide PHN commissioned services and provided free to those referred. 

For more information, please contact Adelaide PHN on 8219 5900.  

21 December 2020