Now Live: Adelaide PHN's 19/20 Annual Report

Adelaide PHN is celebrating our achievements and demonstrating our impact with the launch of our 2019/20 online annual report. 

This year, our annual report highlights our achievements across each of our seven national priority areas, and explores some aspect of our work in more detail via three key stories. 

Achievements from within our annual report include:

  • our commissioning portfolio growing to a total of 168 contracts worth over $45 million 
  • our suite of mental health commissioned services supporting over 13,900 people across the metropolitan Adelaide region 
  • our digital health team supporting a 166% increase in My Health Record discharge summaries 
  • over 39,500 total Closing the Gap (CTG) services provided to support the health and wellbeing of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • the establishment of 4 GP-led Respiratory Clinics which contributed to the 151,285 COVID-19 tests understaken across South Australia


Start exploring these achievements and more at or view our highlights summary brochure here

Visit our annual report page to find an archive of our previous annual reports. 

28 October 2020