Now Open: Adelaide PHN's Peer Support Network Grants
Adelaide PHN is pleased to announce the opening of our 2020-21 Peer Support Network Grants!
These grants offer the chance for both individuals and organisations working in primary health care to facilitate peer support and networking and have a focus on supporting quality improvement across the primary health care sector. The funding aims to support network coordination and other nominal costs such as catering.
Adelaide PHN has run these grants for a number of years as part of our role in building capacity of the local primary health care workforce and fostering opportunities for greater collaboration and integration.
Successful applications from the 2019-20 round of network grants included the Cancer Council SA, Health at Every Size, South Australian Nutrition Network (SANN) Leadership Group, Southern Practice Managers Network (southern Adelaide), Northern Nurse Network (northern Adelaide), Southern Nurse Peer Support Group and Southern Practice Managers Network.
The 2020-21 Peer Support Network Grants aim to provide support to enable networks to meet 3 times per year within a 8 month period commencing October 2020.
Applications close Monday 26 October 2020.
The guidelines and application form are linked and can also be found on our Sponsorships and Grants page.
14 October 2020