Registration of Interest now open to establish four Medicare Urgent Care Clinics in Adelaide PHN region

*Please note that the Registration of Interest for Medicare UCC is now closed and all the submitted registrations have been received. Adelaide PHN is working collaboratively with the Commonwealth to navigate the next phase of the procurement process. 

 Existing general practices, community health centres and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services are invited to register their interest in becoming a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (UCC) by 24 March 2023 in Adelaide PHN's working region.

The Australian Government has committed to invest $135 million nationally over four years to establish 50 Medicare UCCs across Australia. There will be five Medicare UCCs in South Australia, four of which are in Adelaide PHN’s working region: Adelaide city, southern, outer northern and southern metro. 

Medicare UCCs aim to improve access to urgent care in a non-hospital setting, particularly for vulnerable groups, and reduce the pressure on emergency department (ED) presentations by providing patients with acute, episodic care for urgent conditions that are not immediately life-threatening.

It also aims to ease pressure on hospitals and give Australian families more options to see a healthcare professional when they have an urgent need for care and are unable to access their usual General Practice (GP) or other care provider. To learn more about Medicare UCC, please refer to this FAQ sheet.  

If you have any queries regarding Medicare UCCs, please direct them to

24 February 2023