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Request for Tender Application for Refugee Ready - Quality Improvement (QI) Consultant

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The Refugee Ready – Quality Improvement (QI) Consultant Project aims to enable Adelaide PHN to engage QI consultant from 01 March 2025 until 31 Jan 2026 in primary care settings, with a particular focus on working with General Practices to address gaps in Refugee Health Care in the PHN region. 

The objectives of the Project are to: 

  • assess the current capabilities and needs of participating general practices concerning CALD and refugee patient care,
  • provide ongoing advice and resources to integrate best practices into routine care among general practices, and
  • monitor the progress and provide feedback for continuous improvement among the participating general practices. 

The intended outcomes of the Project are to: 

  • develop individual needs analysis for each practice and implement quality improvement activities focused on identified needs/gaps including; cultural competence, language services, and refugee health needs among general practices in the Adelaide PHN region,
  • establish a community of practice (CoP) among recruited practices to facilitate shared learning and support, and
  • ensure that general practices in Adelaide are well-equipped to meet the healthcare needs of refugee populations, leading to improved health outcomes and overall 
    wellbeing for these communities. 

Adelaide PHN seeks a suitable QI consultant who has cultural safety, awareness and understanding, with the experience of working across primary health care. Other considerations for the preferred provider include but are not limited to: 

  • Proven experience of working in refugee/multicultural health projects and understanding of their unique health and social needs.
  • Knowledge and sensitivity towards cultural, linguistic, and social factors affecting refugee/multicultural health. 
  • Understanding of relevant healthcare regulations, policies, and best practices, especially those pertaining to refugee health. 
  • Expertise in implementing quality improvement initiatives in Primary Healthcare.
  • Ability to work collaboratively and effectively with general practices.
  • Experience in providing quality improvement training and development to 
    healthcare providers.
  • Proficiency in utilising health data to inform quality improvement activities.
  • Experience with health information systems and electronic medical records.

Adelaide PHN invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced organisations to deliver the Refugee Ready – Quality Improvement (QI) Consultant Project. Tenders will be welcomed from all organisations that have the capacity and capability to deliver the services whether private not-for profit, private for profit or public. The successful applicant will be expected to commence delivery of the services by 01 March 2025. 

Tender applications can be submitted through the relevant Invitation to Apply page on Tenderlink via https://www.tenderlink.com/adelaidephn

Potential applicants should read the Adelaide PHN Refugee Ready - Quality Improvement (QI) Consultant Request for Tender Guidelines, available once registered with Tenderlink as the guidelines contain information on the service specifications and application process. 

Applications close at 16:00hrs ACDT on Monday, 16 December 2024.

Links & resources

25 November 2024