Request for Tender for Telehealth in RACFs - Educational Component

Request for Tender for Telehealth in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) - Educational Component is now open.  

This component aims to upskill and familiarise clinical and non-clinical staff in RACFs on the appropriate use of virtual technology to deliver the best care to residents on a timely basis.   

Private, not-for-profit, or public sector organisations that have the capacity, capability, and experience to design and deliver this education workshop can submit their proposals. Independent or joint (consortium, partnership, or joint venture) proposals from any such organisations are welcomed.  

Applications close at 12:00pm ACDT, Tuesday, 14 February 2023. 

The successful applicant will be expected to commence delivery of the services by 20 March 2023. 

Further information and the associated tender documentation are now available on Tenderlink. 

17 January 2023