Diverse group of people standing and smiling at the camera in a work environment

Sign up your practice and support staff wellbeing

Diverse group of people standing and smiling at the camera in a work environment

The last few years have been particularly challenging for many people working in primary healthcare, adversely impacting the mental health and wellbeing of many in the sector.

Adelaide PHN is promoting the Australian Psychological Society’s Disaster Response Network (APS DRN) to provide free wellbeing checks to primary care providers and their employees in the Adelaide PHN region. 

The DRN can provide people who work in your business/organisation with the opportunity to have a confidential one-off check-in with a registered psychologist member of the APS. For many, this will be the first opportunity they’ve had to speak to a trusted professional about the impacts of the past few years and how they are managing.

Following a wellbeing check, if anyone feels they would benefit from further support, the psychologist can refer to the organisation’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or other local supports.

Offering a wellbeing check to your colleagues helps support their ongoing mental health and lets them identify if they need further support. Retention of a quality workforce in primary health care is vital, and employers who sign up with the APS DRN will be promoting the importance of personal wellbeing and the value people bring to the business/organisation.

The Australian Psychological Society Disaster Response Network wellbeing check program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

To sign up or find out more about this free service email the APS at drn@psychology.org.au

08 July 2024