Survey: Medication Management at Transitions of Care

Draft Medication Management at Transitions of Care Stewardship Framework
Background: In late 2022/23, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (The Commission) conducted interviews with state and territory health departments to better understand existing transitions of care (TOC) processes to and from acute settings. The consultation process highlighted opportunities to improve coordination, senior executive oversight, governance, workflow, information systems and interoperability at TOC. Acknowledging the shared responsibility for high quality medication management at transitions of care (MM at TOC), the Commission has developed a draft MM at TOC Stewardship Framework (the Framework) that aims to improve MM at TOC by:
- Supporting coordinated governance of MM at TOC
- Promoting and optimising MM at TOC
- Reducing hospital re-admission rates due to medication errors that occur at discharge
- Improving hospital referral pathways to primary and community healthcare providers for safer MM at TOC.
The Framework was developed based on findings from a dedicated literature review and environmental scan, existing stewardship frameworks, expert input from a project advisory group and feedback from internal and external stakeholders. The Framework outlines key elements that hospitals, in consultation with primary care teams, can steward to improve coordinated MM at TOC.
Request: The Commission is seeking your input on the draft Framework via a 20 minute online survey by Sunday 27 October 2024 11:59PM (AEDT).
The survey is composed of 17 questions followed by 8 demographic information questions. The survey is designed to stand-alone from the full Framework publication, which is available here.
Please complete the following survey: Online Survey – Draft Medication Management at Transitions of Care Stewardship Framework
Results: Results from the survey will inform the final MM at TOC Stewardship Framework, due for release in 2025.
Contact: For further information on the project, please contact:
Natalie Kahwajy Senior Project Officer, Digital Health acsqhcdigitalhealth@safetyandquality.gov.au
Links & resources
25 September 2024