Smiling older man with healthcare worker outside

Registering with MyMedicare – Systems overview for practices and providers

Smiling older man with healthcare worker outside

About the webinar

The department, in collaboration with Services Australia, is running two webinars to cover the registration process for practices, providers and patients in MyMedicare.

The first webinar will provide an overview of how practices and providers can register with MyMedicare. 

The webinar will include:

  1. Before you start – an overview of PRODA, HPOS and what you need to set up in the Organisation Register.
  2. Linking to HPOS for the Organisation Register.
  3. Setting up a business in the Organisation Register, with an Organisation Record and Organisation Site Records.
  4. MyMedicare Program registration, including bank details for both practice and provider.
  5. Tips to avoid problems.

How to access the webinar

Access to the webinar is limited to 1000 participants, please ensure you register to attend.

Questions may be submitted during the webinar. 

A recording will be made available following the webinar if you are unable to attend. 



Date Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 11:30am - 12:30pm
Duration   1h