Charged with the task of driving improvements to the local health system, we are investing in innovative and integrated care models to meet local health and service needs.Commissioning
Commissioning involves assessing, designing, procuring, monitoring and evaluating services that enables a more holistic approach to improving health outcomes. It provides us with a tool to better coordinate the health system - integrating care across the acute and primary health care sectors - including prevention, self-care and improved collaboration.
The commissioning process is strategic and cyclical in nature, with improved health outcomes for individuals, communities and other stakeholders.
Adelaide PHN is tasked with commissioning services to meet the primary health care needs of the Adelaide Metropolitan community.
We identify and analyse the health needs specific to the Adelaide region by conducting an annual needs assessment - involving comprehensive review of localised population health and service related data, and extensive community and stakeholder consultation.
Our work is directed by a set of nationally and locally determined health priorities as well as performance indicators, activity workplans, and key objectives from the Commonwealth’s Department of Health.
This results in Adelaide PHN commissioning across a broad range of areas including:
- After hours primary health care
- Primary mental health care
- Alcohol and other drug treatment
- Aboriginal health
- Aged and Palliative care
- Population health
- Immunisation
- Chronic conditions
- Health workforce education, training and development
Adelaide PHN designs services for health outcomes. A focus on outcomes ensures we examine all contributing factors as part of design and continually adapt to the changing environment to achieve desired outcomes.
Commissioning design is a collaborative process drawing on the expertise, experience, capabilities, knowledge and data of key stakeholders to develop solutions to meet identified need. These stakeholders can include existing or potential service providers, local Adelaide community members, or peak bodies.
The design process can occur at any stage of the cycle, however, there are four key stages of the cycle where design efforts are more concentrated:
- Translation of Adelaide PHN needs and identified priorities into outcomes-based service models and projects to be commissioned
- Development of activities for outcome based service models
- Working with potential providers to define activities and outcomes for applications for tender
- In the redesign phase of commissioning
Adelaide PHN typically commissions non-government and private service providers this includes but is not limited to primary health care services providers, peak bodies, primary mental health care service providers and Aboriginal community controlled organisations.
Adelaide PHN releases open calls for applications from potential service providers via Tenderlink (an online e-Procurement system). Tenderlink also houses all the materials relating to a commissioning opportunity such as the guidelines and application criteria documentation. Providers registered with Tenderlink can choose to receive automatic alerts of commissioning opportunities. Adelaide PHN also promotes commissioning opportunities via our Commissioning page, Adelaide PHN News, Primary Links email and networks.
Following a rigorous assessment process, all Adelaide PHN commissioned service providers are selected based on their capacity and capability to effectively deliver a service. The assessment process considers factors including evidence of demonstrated experience in delivering high quality, timely and responsive health services, robustness of applicant’s business model, and principles such as probity, accountability and transparency. The applicant(s) that demonstrate best value for money (not necessarily the lowest price) is considered the preferred applicant(s) and a contract is negotiated to deliver the commissioned services.
Preferred provider(s) will be offered a contract to deliver an Adelaide PHN commissioned service. The type of contract offered will depend on the size, complexity and risk associated with the project.
Contractual documentation is developed in partnership with the preferred provider(s) and typically includes agreements about:
- objectives and outcomes
- governance arrangements
- service specifications
- key performance indicators
- reporting requirements
Adelaide PHN contracts not only provide the framework through which services are delivered, they are enablers through which Adelaide PHN and commissioned service providers can gather data, share insights and support achievement of outcomes.
To facilitate this, Adelaide PHN assigns a Contracts and Capacity Building Coordinator to work with the commissioned service provider on the implementation, management, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of a service. Through this collaborative arrangement, the strengths and expertise of commissioned service providers can also be harnessed to inform future innovation.
Adelaide PHN is required to developed "Activity Work Plans" which describes the planned activities, milestones and outcomes to be delivered in response to the identified priority health and services needs of our region.
Based on allocated funds from the Australian Government, these work plans are submitted to the Department of Health for approval and made available on our website as part of our commitment to keeping the community and partners informed about our work.
- Adelaide PHN Psychosocial Support Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (491 KB - pdf)
- Adelaide PHN Integrated Team Care Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (371 KB - pdf)
- Adelaide PHN Mental Health Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (779 KB - pdf)
- Adelaide PHN PHN Pilots Targeted Programs Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (240 KB - pdf)
- Adelaide PHN Alcohol and Other Drugs Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (533 KB - pdf)
- Adelaide PHN Core Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (2 MB - pdf)
- Adelaide PHN After Hours Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (427 KB - pdf)
- Adelaide PHN Aged Care Activity Work Plan 2021 22 2024 25 (390 KB - pdf)
Tender opportunties
Local organisations and health care providers are invited to apply for our tenders, grants, and other opportunities as they become available. All tender opportunities will be listed via this webpage and our Tenderlink portal.
Open Tenders
You can contact us to find out more about current tenders, our tender assessment process, or our commissioning process.
Contracts team
Phone: 08 8219 5900
To keep up to date with our current tenders, please visit Tenderlink.