Smiling older man with healthcare worker outside

Closed: Adelaide PHN and Country SA PHN: Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Pilot Project

Smiling older man with healthcare worker outside

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Right Care Right Place: Eating disorder care in my community Project

Eating disorders are serious, complex, and potentially life-threatening mental illnesses. They are characterised by disturbances in behaviours, thoughts, and feelings towards body weight, shape, and/or food and eating. Eating disorders have detrimental impacts upon a person's life and may result...

Northern Adelaide General Practice Integration Unit (NAGPIU)

This unit is a joint project with the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN) and aims to reduce the number of avoidable hospital presentations and inappropriate referrals to the outpatient department at the Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals.The unit can...

Quality Improvement activity in General Practice: Focusing on Frailty in patients 65 and over.

Adelaide Primary Health Network (PHN) focuses on improving health outcomes, and the experience of primary health care within the Adelaide metropolitan region. Adelaide PHN has a funded opportunity for General Practices to implement a Quality Improvement activity with a Frailty...

Adelaide PHN Immunisation Hub - a program improving vaccine coverage and immunisation awareness

The Immunisation Hub advocates for immunisation and recognises a robust immunisation program delivered by a skilled workforce is integral to the health and wellbeing of communities. The Immunisation Hub assists practices to increase vaccine awareness and vaccination rates through educational...

Get Screened and Get on With Living: a new collaborative approach to cancer screening promotion

Adelaide PHN has collaborated with Cancer Council SA, Country SA PHN and SA Health to launch a brand new cancer screening campaign, which encourages South Australians to get screened and get on with living instead of worrying about the unknown...

Continuing Professional Development Services

Adelaide PHN engages and commissions a range of education providers to deliver professional development and training opportunities, in addition to directly coordinating and delivering workforce education and capacity building support. The aim is to provide the primary healthcare workforce of...

Champion Nurse Immunisation Program

The Champion Nurse Immunisation Program provides support and mentoring to immunisation providers and the wider Adelaide metropolitan community. The program’s Champion Nurses work to increase vaccine uptake for vulnerable population groups, as well as raising provider confidence and knowledge in...

Living Well with Persistent Pain Program

Living Well With Persistent Pain is an evidence-based multi-disciplinary pain management program combining group education, individual care coordination and a tailored plan of allied health therapy. The program supports individuals to understand chronic pain, develop the skills to manage pain...

Priority Care Centres

In partnership with SA Health & general practices, Adelaide PHN has supported the establishment of four Priority Care Centres (PCCs) across metropolitan Adelaide. These centres provide community-based health care and treatment for eligible patients who would otherwise be seeking a...

Central Adelaide General Practice Integration Unit

The GPIU actively supports the streamlining of clinical information systems and advocates for ongoing integration between primary health and out-of-hospital services.The unit can provide a direct clinical contact point for advice and assistance to navigate the Royal Adelaide Hospital and...

Southern Adelaide General Practice Integration Unit (SAGPIU)

This unit is a joint project with Southern Adelaide LHN to improve health outcomes for patients moving between primary and tertiary care. This program aims to reduce the number of avoidable hospital presentations and inappropriate referrals to the outpatient department...