Program overview
This program offers culturally appropriate treatment interventions to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over with complex substance
The Harm Minimisation Team aims to build safe and healthy Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities by minimising the harm that substance use has on individuals, families and communities.
The program provides support to Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander people and their partners who are 18 years or older and who have an alcohol and other drug problem or who are risk of or living with a blood borne viruses.
The Harm Minimisation team provides the following services:
- Access Clean sterile equipment (Clean needle program) at the Wakefield St site is generally from 9.00am- 5.00pm (with lunch time closure between 1.30pm-2.00pm)
- Health Education / Information
- Blood borne virus
- Safe use of injecting equipment
- Harm minimisation practices
- Promote access/provide information on community services and support groups
- Referral / Advocacy
- Social Support and Case Management
- Intensive support to individuals and family’s affected by substance misuse.
- Referral/ advice and support around Blood borne virus and treatment options.
For more information please see the Program Pamphlet and or contact Nunkuwarrin Yunti 08 8406 1600 and ask to speak to someone from the harm minimisation team.
Links & resources