Smiling portrait of a woman outside

PHN Multicultural Health Framework February 2024

Smiling portrait of a woman outside

About this resource

PHN Multicultural Health Framework which aims to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and experiences for multicultural communities across all PHN regions.
While this tool is specifically for PHNs, it has a strong focus on collaboration across the health system and other sectors and so we wanted to make sure you are aware of this Framework.

The Framework provides high-level guidance and best practice actions to support PHNs to deliver locally informed and relevant responses in partnership with other stakeholders.

The Framework was developed by representatives from approximately 20 PHNs including members of the:

  • PHN Multicultural Health Framework Working Group and
  • National PHN Cultural Diversity Community of Practice.

Development involved review of existing frameworks and guidelines including those already developed by PHNs and key sector leaders including Mental Health Australia, Migrant and Refugee Health Partnership, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, and the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health.

A webinar will be held on 25 March at 2pm AEDT to provide more information about the Framework.

For more information, please contact