a young women helping an older man out of car

Aged Care

Aged care is a National Priority Area for Adelaide PHN – we aim to facilitate and establish person centred services that enable and empower older people, with the involvement of their families and carers, to live well and independently in our community.
a young women helping an older man out of car

Care Finder Program

The care finder program provides support for vulnerable older people to interact with My Aged Care, access aged care services and access other relevant supports in the community. Care finders is a free service. It exists to support vulnerable people – who have no one else who can support them – to learn about, apply for and set up support services such as.

  • interact with My Aged Care
  • access aged care services
  • access other relevant supports in the community.

This includes people who are, or are not yet, receiving aged care services or other relevant supports. Care finders support people who don’t have family, friends, a carer or a representative they are comfortable receiving help from and who is willing and able to help them access aged care services and supports. 

Eligible population:

  • need help with one or more everyday tasks
  • be aged 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) OR 50 years or older (45 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) on a low income and homeless or at risk of being homeless
  • be eligible for government funded aged care support.

How do care finder services work?

Care finder services will connect the older person with a local SA based care finder for intensive support. The care finder will meet with the older person, often at their home or another place they choose. The care finder will ask questions to understand the person’s situation and support them to work through the steps to assist navigating and accessing aged care. 

Who delivers care finder services in metro Adelaide? 

The organisations listed below provide care finder service in the Adelaide PHN region. 
For further care finder program information please contact - ageingwell@adelaidephn.com.au

Organisations and Areas of Cover

ProviderAreas of cover


08 8232 0422

Metropolitan Adelaide

Catalyst Foundation (Seniors Information Service)

1800 23 2273 (1800 CF CARE)

Adelaide, Campbelltown, Charles Sturt, Onkaparinga, Port Adelaide Enfield, Playford, West Torrens, Norwood-Payneham-St Peters, Prospect, Salisbury, Walkerville, Marion, Tea Tree Gully, Unley


Uniting Care Wesley Bowden

08 8245 7196

Adelaide City, Charles Sturt, Holdfast Bay, Marion, Mitcham, Port Adelaide Enfield, Prospect, Tea Tree Gully, West Torrens

Aged Rights Advocacy Service

08 8232 5377

Playford, Salisbury

City of Onkaparinga

1300 156 484


Hutt Street Centre

08 8418 2500

Adelaide City, Norwood- Payneham-St Peter, Walkerville

Agedcare Alternatives 

08 8408 4600

Adelaide City, Burnside, Campbelltown (SA), Holdfast Bay, Marion, Mitcham, Norwood-Payneham-St Peters, Onkaparinga, Playford, Port Adelaide East, Port Adelaide West, Prospect, Walkerville, Salisbury, Tea Tree Gully, Unley

Anglicare SA

1800 317 009

Adelaide City, Burnside, Charles Sturt, Campbelltown, Mitcham, Port Adelaide Enfield, Playford, West Torrens, Holdfast Bay, Norwood-Payneham-St Peters, Prospect, Salisbury, Walkerville, Marion, Onkaparinga, Unley, Tea Tree Gully,

City of Salisbury

08 8406 8227

Salisbury, Playford

Community Transition

08 8249 0700

Mitcham, Port Adelaide Enfield, Playford, Campbelltown, Holdfast Bay, Norwood-Payneham-St Peters, Prospect, Salisbury, Walkerville, Burnside, Marion, Onkaparinga, Unley, Tea Tree Gully, Adelaide, Charles Sturt, West Torrens

Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons

08 8232 0048, workforce
representing clients: 08 8223 7393

Adelaide City

Further information & resources

  • Advocacy support – call OPAN on 1800 700 600
  • Carer support – call Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737
  • National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500

Last updated: September 5, 2024