Our Work

Learn more about our commissioning process, how we assess and meet primary care needs of the region.
Group of people talking around office desk


We are investing in innovative and integrated care models to meet local health and service needs.

Portrait of an Aboriginal woman outdoors

Programs directory

A resource of commissioned programs available across the region

Smiling portrait of a woman outside

Consultation reports

Adelaide PHN conducts consultations to better understand the health needs of our region. Reports from all consultations can be found on this page.

Group of diverse people having a conversation while siting outdoors

Needs assessment

To help inform our commissioning activity, we review both the health and primary care service needs specific to our region and undergo an iterative engagement and consultation process to form a Needs Assessment of the Adelaide metropolitan area. Undergoing the process annually ensures timely identification and analysis of health and service needs across our region and informs how we prioritise and target our activities to address those needs.

young woman with disability smiling at the camera.

Activity Work Plans

The Adelaide PHN region covers all of the Adelaide metropolitan area, from Sellicks Hill in the south to Angle Vale in the north, and from the beaches in the west to the foothills in the east.

Last updated: May 24, 2024