
Adelaide PHN’s Partnering Framework

Adelaide PHN’s Partnering Framework

We've developed a partnering framework to assist staff to gain a shared understanding of why we partner, what we mean by partnering and how we approach partnering with others at Adelaide PHN.

This framework also sets out the connection between partnering and the overall strategic direction of Adelaide PHN and proposes a vision for partnering within our organisation.

The framework illustrates how we engage with individuals and external organisations in different types of relationships through reference to a partnering continuum and defines the various roles and responsibilities around partnering within Adelaide PHN.

The aim is to identify and set out clear processes for the establishment and maintenance of ongoing partnering processes and to provide a clear set of principles and values that we will abide to when partnering with others.

Overall, the Partnering Framework is intended to promote a coordinated and consistent approach to how Adelaide PHN partners with other organisations across business, government, health, and education sectors.

We believe that effective partnering will:

  • Enable greater impact by strengthening and building on current initiatives and identifying future opportunities.
  • Provide additional resources to be applied to projects and initiatives.
  • Enable greater innovation to be explored.
  • Facilitate co-design opportunities which will lead to greater buy-in for implementation.
  • Allow us to leverage our existing relationships.
  • Build our reputation and credibility.
  • Enable us to deliver our services more efficiently.

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